Estimados visitantes de RentMen: LeonardoMex eligió responder 13 preguntas de la entrevista que fueron actualizadas por última vez el 02 Oct 2022.


  • ¿Qué haces para divertirte?
    Depends on the mood I am in, but are very basic things: playing with my pets, meeting with friends, mowing the lawn at home, fixing the garden, doing any activity at home (with the pandemic I realized that I am a good handyman), ride a bicycle, go skating, watch a documentary, watch concerts online, sometimes draw. Very quiet things, really even today in times of covid I avoid being in the street, bars, clubs, etc.
    So, it's not really the funniest things but it's finally entertainment.
  • ¿Qué te distingue de todas las demás personas que conoces?
    I am an honest, brave and responsible guy. I know when say "yes" and when "no", when to say "stop" and when "ask for more" and I see like the most natural way, its a bit part of "in this life do what you want to do, you don't know if later you'll have another." (as long as you don't bother your neighbor of course).
  • ¿Qué “esfuerzo adicional” haces en tu vida?
    1. When I go to the supermarket and I see older people even though I'm hurry, I stop to help them load their bags to the car or things that I see complicated for them.
    2. Every month I donate 20Kg of croquetts to an animal shelter.
    3. Currently I decided to spend 3 hours a day without lap, cell, or any other gadget. Too much garbage, sometimes.
  • ¿Qué te gustaría que los lectores supieran acerca de ti que es único e incluso un poco personal?
    -I'm a very open-minded guy, sometimes this is misunderstood.
    -Im an extremely good confidant and good friend.
    -I like clear things and I'm lousy at reading minds and playing guessing games.
    -Im usually a person who only gives 1 chance.
    And i'm a bit flirty...
  • ¿Cuál es tu "especialidad" o que te apasiona?
    Sure almost all animals, I dont conceive how we can harm them. Im not a vegetarian, I understand and accept the food chain system, but in my short life I sadly confess that "more I know humans ,much more I love animals", no clue that we are too much on earth. And Im not a madman that tries to wash brains, I know respect. I only consider that as a species we are not coherent or a model to follow. Im not misanthropic, remaind how predatory we have been in our way. BTW I adore all cats. Sure if one day I win the lottery, much of the money will go to help and preserve endangered species. I would also bribe governments to strengthen PRO animal laws.
  • ¿Qué tipo de dieta y rutina de ejercicios sigues?
    Nothing, I am that guy who eats without regrets and does not gain weight, in fact it is difficult to gain weight, genetics issue being slim and it is not an issue that worries me. I skate, ride my bike, sometimes swim, I do it as a hobby and to oxygenate the brain more than for routines or for having "an ideal body standard."
  • ¿Cuál dirías son tus mayores atributos?
    hey! 2/3 questions are similar, about personality and/or attributes. RM should have been more creative haha.
    Answer here:
    I consider very severe to talk about attributes and specialties, it could sound a bit arrogant. mmhh I think my top attribute is the personality / character very adaptable in almost every way, few limits (with responsibility). Perhaps my curiosity makes me adapt easily. I have enough education to know how to see, listen, learn and I also know when to keep silent. So I regularly "fit" into different environments. I am also objective and I love to be in peace.
  • ¿Con qué frecuencia viajas? ¿Prefieres viajar o eres una persona hogareña?
    I love travel!! I am another Leonardo when I am travelling, life seems more attractive to me. I have been to more than 15 countries, most of the trips I do alone. I have a definition of freedom that many would not understand. I travel every year, accompanied is also special, connections and experiences for a lifetime.
  • ¿Qué deben saber otros con absoluta certeza acerca de ti?
    Im an honest, straight and valuable person like any other, dedicating myself "to making others happy" does not define me, doesn't condemn me either. That I have a very special sense of judgment and I like always be clear (not rude). I like to be courteous and attentive to others, a positive attitude always opens doors.
  • Cuéntanos acerca de la mejor experiencia que has tenido en la vida.
    I have 3 best at # 1 spot.
    -Born with my little family.
    -Have 2 mothers GAD.
    -I had the privilege of having a 15 year old daughter (pet).
  • Si nos sentamos en la playa, a beber y comer solo tú y yo, ¿qué me contarías de tu persona y tu vida?
    It's a big question. depends on what we are drinking hahaha, each story had a flavor.
  • Nombra 5 cosas sin las que no puedes vivir.
    Trick question? XD
    Oxygen, food, water, faith, love.
  • ¿Qué es lo que más te gusta de ti?
    That I am a fair person (or I always try to be)... I like things to be fair although sometimes this does not mean that they are equitable, that makes me place things in different perspectives and I like that.